Questions? Contact Mobility Equipment Recyclers:401-294-4111 Email


Edward's Road to Independence

Edward's Road to Independence

Through our Gift of Mobility initiative and with the support of generous donors, Edward received a pre-owned Go Go 3-Wheel mobility scooter at no cost. Here is his story.
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Moving Forward Together: Laura's Empowering Mobility Makeover

Moving Forward Together: Laura's Empowering Mobility Makeover

We were honored to provide a power wheelchair as part of our 2023 Gift of Mobility to Laura - a young woman grappling with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia.

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Checking in with Kathi: How a New Stairlift Made the Road to Recovery a Smoother Ride

Checking in with Kathi: How a New Stairlift Made the Road to Recovery a Smoother Ride

A Gift of Mobility recipient from 2022, Kathi received a new stairlift from Mobility Equipment Recyclers to help her get up and down the stairs.
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Bringing the Gift of Mobility to a Deserving College Student

Bringing the Gift of Mobility to a Deserving College Student

We had the pleasure of meeting with Christian Chivalan, a student at Rhode Island College and first recipient of our 2023 Gift of Mobility.
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The Gift of Mobility 2019 - Mobility Equipment for Less

The Gift of Mobility 2019

In December, 2019 we gave away 4 mobility scooters and 1 power wheelchair as part of our 2019 Gift of Mobility event! Read to see what it's all about!
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Watch us on NBC 10's Studio 10 - The Gift of Mobility 2019 - Mobility Equipment for Less

Watch MER on NBC 10's Studio 10 - The Gift of Mobility 2019

In case you missed it, watch as Lindsay Ladeluca interviews owner John Perrotti about our annual Gift of Mobility holiday giveaway on NBC 10's Studio 10 TV Show!
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2018 Gift of Mobility Recap - Mobility Equipment for Less

2018 Gift of Mobility Recap and Winners!

Our 2018 Gift of Mobility Holiday Giveaway was a success! Thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to the winners. Check out the blog to see some pictures.
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Thank You Veterans - Mobility Equipment for Less

Thank You Veterans

To honor the Veterans that have served our country, we choose to pay it forward by providing mobility equipment to Veterans that are struggling.
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'Gift Of Mobility' Giveaway Set For December 16 - Mobility Equipment for Less

Gift Of Mobility Giveaway 2017 a Success!

See what Mobility Equipment Recyclers gave away this year for our 2017 Gift of Mobility! Learn more by reading our blog and check out our video on Facebook.
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Press Release: The 2016 'Gift Of Mobility' Recipients - Mobility Equipment for Less

The 2016 Gift Of Mobility Recipients!

See what Mobility Equipment Recyclers gave away this year for our 2016 Gift of Mobility! Learn more by reading our blog and check out our video on Facebook.
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Announcing the Winners! 2015 Gift of Mobility Giveaway - Mobility Equipment for Less

Announcing the Winners! 2015 Gift of Mobility Giveaway

See what Mobility Equipment Recyclers gave away this year for our 2015 Gift of Mobility! Learn more by reading our blog and check out our video on Facebook.
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