Bringing the Gift of Mobility to a Deserving College Student
Feb 23, 2023
The team here at Mobility Equipment Recyclers had the pleasure of meeting with Christian Chivalan, a first-year student at Rhode Island College and the first recipient of our 2023 Gift of Mobility.

Christian is studying to one day be a social worker, and loves to spend time with friends when out of the classroom. In just a manual wheelchair, however, some of the inclines around campus are more difficult to navigate, such as the ramps up into Sweet Hall.
To help make his college-going experience easier, we’ve gifted him a fully customized electric wheelchair, measured to fit his exact height requirements and with a swing-away joystick mount installed, allowing him to easily move around, even at a classroom desk!
We started our Gift of Mobility initiative in 2014 (back when we were just Power Chair Recyclers) in order to provide assistance to those in need, proudly donating nearly 100 mobility devices over the years! This initiative serves both of the main purposes of the business: to provide affordable mobility equipment and keep discarded equipment out of the landfill. After all, it doesn't do anyone any good for this equipment to take up space in a scrapyard when there a people all over the country who need it but think they can't afford it. We take this equipment in because we stand by our motto, which is, "Someone, somewhere could use it."
If you know someone who you think is in need, contact us to nominate a Gift of Mobility recipient.
We would like to thank the Health Services team at Rhode Island College for nominating Christian.

The Gift of Mobility and our other charitable efforts wouldn’t be possible without the support of our wonderful customers, so we thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Thank you for making us your one stop shop for all your mobility needs!