Questions? Contact Mobility Equipment Recyclers:401-294-4111 Email


Let us find the part that you need

Compatibility 100% Guaranteed

Ask the Experts About Your Part

Never order the wrong part again with expert assistance from the trained specialists at Mobility Equipment Recyclers.

Submit this form and one of our trained mobility experts will be in touch soon to help you find the correct part for your device.

How It Works

small icon of filling out a form

Contact Us

submit the form or call us directly

We Identify Your Part

Place Your Order

we’ll set up a purchase just for you

Receive Your Parts

we ship the part to you

Installation is available in our local service area:
Rhode Island, Connecticut & Massachusetts

a green silhouette map of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts

What We Need

in order to identify your part, please provide as much information as possible, including:

Wheelchair/Scooter Serial Number

check your original bill of sale or contact us for assistance locating the number on your device

Part Number(s)

check the part you are replacing for identification numbers (it may have more than one number in different locations)

What Type of Connection?

parts are sometime have different connection types, so be sure to check what kind your device uses

a blue line icon showing a toolbox, wrench, and screwdriver on a pale green background shape

Expert Technicians

Our DMERT-certified mobility experts have worked on countless pieces of equipment across all major brands.

a blue line icon showing an airplane and globe on a pale green background shape

We Ship Worldwide

Our products ship quickly to customers worldwide with a variety of convenient shipping carrier options.

a blue line icon showing a sale tag and dollar sign on a pale green background shape

Huge Discounts

Our certified pre-owned parts cost 50-90% LESS than MSRP - saving you a lot of money!

a blue line icon showing a star centered on top of smaller stars to the left and right on a pale green background shape

Satisfaction Guarantee

When you use our complimentary Ask the Experts service we boast a 100% compatibility guarantee. Nowhere else can you order parts worry-free.

We stock replacement parts for every aspect of your wheelchair or mobility scooter:

a black metal actuator with a coiled cable on a white background

Actuators for Electric Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters

a black onboard battery charger for a power wheelchair or mobility scooter, viewed from the side at an angle with two coiled cables with black and white connections

Batteries & Battery Chargers for Electric Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters

a bundle of black cables with multiple red and black connections


a black control module with an orange and white warning sticker and multiple connection ports, shown from the front at an angle

Control Modules for Electric Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters

a black power wheelchair display component mounted on an adjustable arm with the cable bundled in a rubber band

Displays for Electric Wheelchairs

a black joystick controller with four buttons and a battery indicator viewed from above.

Joysticks for Electric Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters

Motors for Electric Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters - Mobility Equipment for Less

Motors for Electric Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters

a pair of gray drive tires with black rims

Rims & Wheels for Electric Wheelchairs, Mobility Scooters, and More

a contoured royal blue plastic shroud for a power wheelchair, viewed from the side diagonally


a black contoured utility tray with various connection sockets and the words '1113 Jazzy' on the front

Utility Trays for Electric Wheelchairs

Identifying Motors

Motors have three distinct parts that determine compatibility: the motor, the gearbox, and the cable. Provide as much information as possible to help us identify the correct motors for your device.

a diagram showing various parts of a motor assembly including the cables/connectors, gearbox, part number labels, and brakes

Find All the Labels

The motor portion of the component usually has two labels. Check all around to find the relevant part numbers on both.

Don't Forget the Gearbox!

There is also a label on the gearbox portion of each motor. Be sure to include these numbers as well and clearly label that they are for the gearbox.

Include All Part Numbers

Each label may have multiple part and/or serial numbers listed. We need all of these numbers for proper identification.

Connections Vary

Some motors are identical except for the connection type, so be sure to describe the connection on the end of the cable.

front view of a mobility device part showing a label with identifying information and part/serial numbers
back view of a mobility device part showing a second label with identifying information and part/serial numbers
the gearboxed on a pair of motors viewed from the back so that both identifying labels are visible
a closeup view of a connection cable with multiple red, white and black connectors


Can you get me the part I need? 

At Mobility Equipment Recyclers, our prices can save you at least 50% off regular retail sale prices.

How do I know if I ordered the right parts?

Don't waste time, money and your patience from doing the things you want.  Talk to one of our certified professionals.  

Can you install the part I need?

Our techs have advanced DMERT (Durable Medical Equipment Repair and Training) certifications to give them expertise on all of the current brands and models of power chairs, scooters and mobility products. 

Do you have many parts in stock ready to ship?

Can I rent a chair or scooter while mine is being repaired?

Can you help me decide on the right part?

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