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Discussing Small Business With Rhode Island Lt. Governor Daniel McKee - Mobility Equipment for Less

Discussing Small Business With Rhode Island Lt. Governor Daniel McKee

We recently had the pleasure of hosting Rhode Island's leading advocate for small business, Lieutenant Governor Daniel McKee. Since being sworn in on January 6, 2015, McKee has worked tirelessly to create more economic opportunity for Rhode Island.

The lieutenant governor also has a unique personal connection to the services our business provides. McKee's good friend became paralyzed years ago in a car accident, so he's well aware of the struggles that people with disabilities must endure -- physically, mentally and especially financially.

We gave the lieutenant governor a tour of our facility, from the showroom upstairs to the workshop below, where hundreds upon hundreds of wheelchairs and scooters each year are transformed from landfill-bound machines to beautifully-refurbished equipment.

Afterwards, Lieutenant Governor McKee had a fireside chat with owner John Perrotti and operations manager Andrew Celani about the humble beginnings of our company to where we are headed in the future.

Needless to say, it's sure comforting to know that we have an ally in the State House that is committed to fostering a successful business climate, especially for young entrepreneurs. We couldn't have been more satisfied with the visit and we really do appreciate all of the lieutenant governor's support.

Special thanks to NK Chamber of Commerce executive director Kristin Urbach, who was able to pique the lieutenant governor's interest in our company and set this whole thing up.

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