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Nonviolence Advocate Overcomes Small Hurdle With Donated Ramp - Mobility Equipment for Less

Nonviolence Advocate Overcomes Small Hurdle With Donated Ramp

Every now and again our company gets behind a truly noble cause outside of what we normally do on a day-to-day basis. On Friday, we were a part of something truly unique and memorable with one of our handicap ramps.

We received a call last week from Jose Rodriguez, a victim case manager at the Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence in Providence.

The ISPN is an organization dedicated to violence reduction, teaching nonviolence and supporting victims. They support those most deeply harmed by violence, and they offer support services to shooting and stabbing victims throughout the state of Rhode Island.

Well, Mr. Rodriguez and I spoke at length about a member of the community that fell victim to gun violence 12 years ago, leaving him paralyzed.

In October of 2004, Ray Duggan was shot multiple times and spent a month at Rhode Island Hospital. Ray then spent several months in rehab and was released with the diagnosis of never being able to walk again. In 2006, Ray became connected to the Nonviolence Institute.

Through this mentorship, Ray began speaking with at-risk youth about his circumstances and his hard learned lessons. The Nonviolence Institute has been working to support Ray and to empower him to tell his story since.

More recently, Ray fell into some financial difficulty as a result of his victimization and became homeless. The Nonviolence Institute has worked with Ray to find an apartment he can afford, that has all the amenities he needs.

Only there was one problem remaining: a handicap ramp needed in order to enter and exit his new apartment. That's when Jose Rodriguez, the case manager assigned to handle Ray's situation, came calling, and we listened.

Of course we listened, and of course we wanted to do whatever we could to help. On Friday, operations manager Andrew Celani presented Mr. Duggan with a refurbished 5' foot foldable aluminum handicap ramp for his apartment.

Needless to say he was ecstatic. With our support and the backing of the Nonviolence Institute, Ray was able to overcome this small hurdle and begin moving forward in a safe, stable space.

Keep up the good work in the community Ray!

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