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Paralyzed Man Stands For First Time In Five Years - Mobility Equipment for Less

Paralyzed Man Stands For First Time In Five Years

In September, 2016, we were very excited to be a part of something truly special for one family. In January 2011, Hernan Musolino was involved in a rollover car accident in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hernan injured his C6 spinal cord in the wreck, leaving him partially paralyzed.

Pictured above is the first time Hernan has stood up in over five years! We were so honored that he and his family chose us to help him restore his mobility. In my short time with the company (just over one year) we've done many memorable things, like opening a new store and giving to veterans.

I went on the radio to talk about our business, and we even had one of our former power wheelchairs star in a hit television show.

But this recent experience was something I will never forget, and it's moments like this that we cherish and remind us why we do what we do. By Andrew Celani/Operations Manager

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