Why Your Wheelchair Needs A Serious Upgrade
When You Need A Change For The Better
Insurance providers make it hard to get the perfect wheelchair for you. You must qualify to get coverage and then there's a waiting period up to 6 months to receive the equipment. Yet, getting this equipment doesn't mean it's the right fit for you. Since these providers don't offer custom-fitted equipment, you can end up with an inadequate device that doesn't function for your personal needs. This is why considering an upgrade would be advantageous for many who are experiencing these issues.
If you end up with a power chair that you think doesn't suit you: consider wheelchair upgrades. There are comfort, safety, and stylish upgrades that you might not find anywhere besides at Mobility Equipment Recyclers. Just give us a call to make an appointment, have a consultation with us, and finish up with the satisfactory upgrades you need. Not every chair has it all but Mobility Equipment Recyclers makes it possible with personal customizations.
Comfort and Convenience Upgrades:

Keeping your back, arms and bottom happier with cushions
When sitting in a wheelchair for long periods of time, make sure you have the best cushions that reduce the stress on your back, arms and your bottom. These are critical aspects of mobility comfort. Over time, cushions will deflate so be sure to have them replaced when they feel too compressed.

Increase your acceleration if you have a need for speed
The average speed of a power chair is usually 5 mph since this is the ideal speed for moving around indoors. This speed, however, doesn't represent the fastest speed of the wheelchair. If you're looking to increase the speed of your wheelchair due to a more active lifestyle, call Mobility Equipment Recyclers. Our certified technicians can increase or decrease the speed on your power chair depending on how you want to move.

Tip the balance of your chair and get comfy
Even with a standard wheelchair, you may not get the proper body support you need. The Tilt-In-Space power chair is one of our most customizable wheelchairs to match up with you and your health needs. Your new upgraded wheelchair will give you tilt, recline, seat and leg elevation that you can't obtain with a standard wheelchair.
Safety Upgrades:

Riding around with motors that could raise the dead
Have you been experiencing an annoying, loud noise coming from your power chair? If you answered yes, your wheelchair motors might be trying to tell you something is wrong. Whatever the problem, your problem can be inspected and repaired. If necessary, Mobility Equipment Recyclers can replace your outdated motors with a pair that are certified to give back your peace of mind.

Stop worrying over faulty electronics
The controls of a power chair are very sensitive so if your wheelchair isn't operating consistently, it may be an indication that the electronics aren't correctly wired. Evidence that your wiring needs to be inspected could be that the power chair is going around in circles, the chair is veering only to one side or the wheelchair isn't turning on at all. With a wheelchair upgrade, the cause of malfunction will stop and the wheelchair will start working properly again.

Overlooking the importance of your tires
An important component of your wheelchair that's often overlooked are your chair's tires. Whether the tires are pneumatic (air) and foam-filled/puncture-proof, you'll definitely need a wheelchair upgrade once your tires are bald. Another significant consideration is owning a couple sets of tires to accommodate for season or climate changes.
Stylish Upgrades:

If the shoe wheelchair seat fits, wear it...
Just like you might grow out of clothes, you could outgrow the seat of your wheelchair. You're just one phone call away from having our trained technicians custom fit your power chair with the seat size of your choice and shape. It is important to have the proper seat width for comfort and function. Keep in mind the width of your doorways inside your home and buildings that you frequently visit. This is a measurement that is hardly ever brought up or talked about but is vital to your mobile independence.

For when you want to enjoy outdoor activities safely
All-terrain wheelchairs can vastly expand your mobility range and access in the great outdoors. With heavy duty wheels, traveling on sand or gravel, in snow, or over hilly terrain will seem like a piece of cake. Remember, just because you're in a wheelchair doesn't mean you should feel bound by your limitations.

You can't help but want the nicest ride out there
Mobility Equipment Recyclers is New England’s largest provider of affordable certified pre-owned durable medical equipment (DME). We are authorized providers for all of the top DME manufacturers, so our customers can also order new equipment from us as well. We'll bridge the gap between your specific health needs and the newest wheelchair models that are moving forward in technology and independence innovations.
Why You Should Choose Us For Your Upgrades
At Mobility Equipment Recyclers, our customers know that our efforts in achieving optimal performance while maintaining baseline safety standards come first. If the need should arise, we also offer in-home, onsite service if the devices can't be brought to the store. Our customers can expect labor that is cost-effective and done in a timely manner. Customers shouldn't worry if they think they'll be out of a chair while we're working. We'll have you in a loaner chair until the work has been completed.
Contact Us
If you need an immediate wheelchair upgrade, call us today at 401-294-4111. You can also visit our store at 6802 Post Road, North Kingstown, RI 02903. We're not afraid to take on even the toughest jobs. Our certified technicians can guarantee the service your wheelchair needs and deserves.