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Raimondo & NK Chamber Honor 'Young Professional Of The Year' John Perrotti - Mobility Equipment for Less

Raimondo & NK Chamber Honor 'Young Professional Of The Year' John Perrotti

On March 22nd, 2017 at the North Kingstown Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Dinner and Business Excellence Awards, our owner and CEO John Perrotti took home some hardware and even got to meet Governor Raimondo! Since joining the NK Chamber of Commerce in 2016, our company has been very involved.

We were fortunate enough to be recognized by them with the Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

The Chamber has been very supportive of our company in the past, facilitating visits and tours with such dignitaries as Lt. Governor Daniel McKee and Congressman Jim Langevin.

And recently, the North Kingstown Chamber of Commerce chose Perrotti to be part of their executive committee.

Governor Gina Raimondo was on hand for the event as the keynote speaker, and after her speech she walked around and chatted with local business owners, including Perrotti and general manager Andrew Celani.

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